Welcome to A Walk in the Park!
Quarter 1 – 2024
Welcome to A Walk in The Park, our JC Parks newsletter! This format is a quick glance of what JC Parks has going on. From registration dates and upcoming events to project updates and park announcements, this newsletter will have good-to-know info for you. Our hope is that this newsletter is an opportunity to learn more about the activities for recreation, health, and wellness that are available to you through our department.
Thank you for your support of JC Parks!
Take a Hike
The chill has taken over Jefferson City and there’s nothing more serene than a peaceful winter walk. Find your solstice at one of our parks or trails!

Washington Park Ice Arena
Jefferson City is home to Washington Park Ice Arena, a year-round indoor ice arena that boasts opportunities for all ages. For beginners, there are hockey and skating lessons. For ice competitors, there is house hockey leagues and Capital City Synchros. For those seeking entertainment, there are public sessions, the University of Missouri’s club hockey team, and many ice skating recitals and shows.

Work with JC Parks
We have many options for seasonal and part-time employment with JC Parks:
- Lifeguards
- Exercise Instructors
- Day Camp Counselors
- Ice Arena Managers
- Facility Supervisors
- Umpires
- Concessions Attendants
- Officials
- Seasonal Maintenance